Why Collaboration Matters in Evidence-Based Early Intervention

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Thompson Child and Family Focus is an agency in North Carolina currently using The Incredible Years programs to teach parenting classes within their community. “Thompson is a non-profit organization operating three distinct campuses, each providing comprehensive education, treatment, and care for children (birth to 18 years) in need.” (Thompson website, http://www.thompsoncff.org/)
Thompson has sent a number of group leaders to Seattle for Group Leader Training, and they also have staff who are “Certified” group leaders, meaning they have gone through our certification process to ensure they are implementing the program as it is intended, with fidelity (this is vital for evidence-based programs!). It is clear the commitment this agency shows to high quality standards pays off in the outcomes they see with their families.
Recently, we were sent a powerful video discussing the work they do and the impact of The Incredible Years parent classes on the community. Though they have a number of campuses, the video focuses on the work being done in the Grier Heights community, which is host to high crime rate and unemployment.
According to the video, many of the parents are single mothers, searching for a stable income, and are experiencing numerous stressors. Says group leader Shunta Daniels, “Regardless of whether you come from a high socio-economic class or a low socio-economic class – parents want the best for their children.” The parents attend the classes for 16 weeks and learn to build positive solid foundations with their children.
“The parenting class has been an experience – a wonderful experience – and not an experience that I expected. It’s been a learning experience, it’s been a growing experience – it gives you a greater respect for yourself and other people.” (Quote from parent in video.)
Be sure to watch video at the top of this page, and share with your friends! You can also view this on our website, in the testimonials section.
If you are a parent interested in attending an Incredible Years parent group, click here.
If you are interested in implementing the Incredible Years programs through your agency, contact us!