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Caroline White selected to advise Parliament on early intervention

IY Trainer Caroline White has been asked to be a Specialist Advisor to Parliament on early intervention, to advise on implementation science for the Science and Technology Select Committee.

This announcement comes after Caroline was requested to attend the House of Commons Select Committee for Science and Technology on Early Intervention last month. With her Manchester Local Authority colleague, Shirley Woods-Gallagher, Caroline presented evidence on early intervention to the expert panel with members of parliament.


Caroline and Shirley are currently working with Andy Burnham, Manchester’s first Elected Mayor, for the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (Manchester plus 9 surroundings boroughs, total population 2.7 million). They are working with GMCA to embed more evidence based, early intervention across all 10 local authorities.

Caroline writes: “Being on the Expert Panel was a great experience, having MPs from across all parties asking questions about early intervention, outcomes, data and evaluation, and implementation. My main focus was to emphasize what we have known for decades – early intervention is better for child and parent outcomes, and also saves money. It’s great to be involved and to have some potential influence over policy and practice.”

You can watch Caroline’s presentation to the expert panel last month at:

Congratulations to Caroline! We are excited that you will have the opportunity to share your expert advice!