SEL Parent Workshops: How Group Dynamics Enhance Problem-Solving and Parenting Skills

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The How I am Incredible! handout is used to help parents share information about their child’s developmental level including language and play level, temperament, and likes and dislikes. In addition, parents share their family support network and goals for their children.
This editable form can be emailed to families individually, can be completed when doing your first individual interview with families, or can be started in the first IY group session or home coaching visit. This process is valuable because it helps group leaders and other parents have more detailed knowledge of each child’s unique development and their similarities and differences in regard to their language, play level, and academic readiness and goals. At subsequent meetings, parents can continue to add to the editable form more details about the child’s developmental goals and motivating antecedents. They will add notes of any new discoveries they make as they engage in social and emotional coaching during child-directed play. Parents will note which strategies are especially helpful for supporting their child’s goals.
Throughout the program, when group leaders are showing vignettes, they can refer to completed How I Am Incredible forms for information about each of the children, and can set up tailored role-play practices based on the children’s developmental language & play levels and parent goals. For example, a practice may be set up with a child who has very limited language focusing on modeling language in a paced way with gestures, objects, pictures, fun sound effects and frequent repetition and imitation. After this role play is completed and debriefed, the group leader will select a another child from a group parent to practice how this language will look for a child with typical language focused on pre-academic skills such as naming numbers, colors, shapes, positions and letters. Group leaders can set up several large group practices unpacking the differences in approach for 2-3 target children to demonstrate the developmental differences before breaking up parents in to dyads for practice. Dyads will be selected to match parent participants who have target children at similar developmental levels. After the dyadic practices, parents will share their learning so that everyone learns principles of tailoring based on the individual needs of children.
We have developed editable versions of the How I Am Incredible handout for parents of children aged 3-6 (for the Preschool Basic program), for parents of children aged 6-12 (for the School Age Basic program), and for parents & teachers of children on the Autism spectrum or with language delays.
Download How I Am Incredible for the Preschool Basic program (English, editable)
Download How I Am Incredible for the Preschool Basic program (Spanish, editable)
Download How I Am Incredible for the School Age Basic program (editable)
Download How I Am Incredible for the Autism Parenting program (editable)
Download How I Am Incredible for the Teacher Autism program (editable)
Join IY Program Developer Carolyn Webster-Stratton for her Webinar: Implementing Online the Incredible Years Way
Group Leaders will learn to tailor IY groups for online delivery!
Date: Wednesday, April 14th, 2021 9:00am – 11:00am PST
Venue: Online (Zoom)
Led by: Carolyn Webster-Stratton, PhD
Cost: $200 per person