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Wally gets Vaccinated and Helps Other Children ages 5-8 years

  • by Carolyn Webster-Stratton, PhD, Incredible Years Program Developer

Wally recently spent the day at Vashon Elementary School spreading his superpower magic with children ages 5-8 years. He received his vaccine and helped other children who received their vaccine that day to stay calm.

First, Wally takes deep breaths & stays calm using his super power breathing and thinks of his happy place…

and it is over before he knows it!

He choses his favorite Band-Aids – Star Wars and Frozen…

and gets a high five from the vaccinator.  His mother tells him he has super powerful calm-down muscles and is strong and brave and is helping to keep others healthy. He is very proud!  

It was a fun day at Vashon Elementary. One hundred forty children were vaccinated with their first dose. The Vashon community team worked on this being a fun day for the children so they will be eager to come back for their second injection.