Incredible Years Blog

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My Incredible Baby: Journal of My Baby's First Year in My Family

This baby journal provides a place for parents to keep track of their babies' growth and development. Parents can record and preserve memories of babies' likes and dislikes, temperament, feeding routine, favorite songs, stories, and play activities. It is organized around the developmental stages at 0-3 months, 4-6 months, and 6-12 months. It includes checklists where parents can record the baby's view point with "Things I can do," including when baby learns to first sit, know her name, say baba, roll over, crawl, pull to stand, feed herself and so forth. It also includes pages to record outings and visits with friends and family members. There is a temperament questionnaire for your baby and yourself, a support journal and a baby-proofing checklist. Fun to keep this and read to your children when they are older.

