Incredible Years Blog

Check out our blog for social-emotional learning articles, news, and more!

A School in Powys Implements the Incredible Years, 2012

Ysgol Trefonnen school has seen dramatic improvements in pupil behaviour resulting in a significant reduction in exclusions in the past 12 months. The Wales school has implemented the Webster-Stratton Incredible Years program and worked with parents and pupils to strengthen a behaviour policy which promotes positive praise and reward.

Incredible Years in the Norwegian News, 2012

Carolyn Webster-Stratton står bak De utrolige årene. Hun har skrevet en bok for foreldre med konkrete råd til en roligere hverdag i familien. I tillegg har hun utviklet et forebyggings- og behandlingsprogram for barn med atferdsproblemer i alderen 0 til 16 år. De utrolige årene retter seg mot foreldre, barn og ansatte i barnehage, skole og SFO. Det bygger på internasjonal forskning og viser til do...

Incredible Years: Wales, 2011

Judy Hutchings was awarded the Order of the British Empire last year. Here she is with her husband, Lewis, after receiving the award in February, 2011 in London. Congratulations Judy! Judy is an Incredible Years® parent trainer and mentor for other IY programs, and conducted numerous research studies with her students.

Incredible Years Trainer Receives Recognition, 2010

Dr. Caroline White of Manchester has received a Recognition of Achievement by the city of Manchester, England for "Making a difference Through Service Excellence." Caroline is an IY trainer for parent programs and has trained thousands of group leaders and supported them with consultations. See more about her work in the Implementation Examples.
