Uncategorized (10)

Enhancing the Well-Child Visit: Incredible Years in the Clinic

by Bridget Cho, MA & Lauren Slagel, MPH, Children’s Mercy Hospital, Kansas City At Children’s Mercy Kansas City, Dr. Briana Woods-Jaeger and her team are partnering with Dr. Webster-Stratton to bring Incredible Years to parents and their infants. Dr. Woods-Jaeger’s team works with community partners to deliver evidence-based, culturally relevant interventions to prevent toxic stress among fami...

NZ Early Start Project and Incredible Years Toddler Program

by John Horwood Early Start is an early intervention home visitation service for high needs families with young children based in Christchurch, New Zealand. The service was developed in the mid-1990s and is run by a consortium that includes the Christchurch Health and Development Study Research Group, University of Otago; the Canterbury branch of the New Zealand Plunket Service, The Pegasus GP Gro...
