The Incredible Years® Series
Intervention Programs for Parents of School Age Children
(6-12 Years)
Our parenting programs are delivered to groups of parents/caregivers according to their child’s age group: babies (0-12 months), toddlers (1-3 years), preschoolers (3-6 years), and school age (6-12 years).
Check out the early intervention parenting programs we offer for parents and caregivers of school-age children below.
Training workshops to equip group leaders with the skills needed to deliver the programs are purchased separately from the program sets below.
Attentive Parenting Program
The Attentive Parenting® program is a “universal” parenting program. It can be offered to ALL parents to promote their children’s emotional regulation, social competence, problem solving, reading and school readiness.
This is not a program for children with significant behavior or developmental problems or family mental health difficulties, although it may be used as a supplement to the Basic programs or for follow up booster sessions.
Curriculum Materials Included
- Video vignettes (6-disc DVD, or Online Streaming Subscription)
- Comprehensive Leader’s Manual, including parents’ weekly “Attentive Parenting® Tips” (brief points to remember from program) and home activities
- Wally Detective Books (set of 4)
- Incredible Toddlers: A Guide and Journal of Your Toddler’s Discoveries book
- The Incredible Years: A Troubleshooting Guide for Parents of Children Aged 3-8 Years (3rd Edition) book
- Attentive Parenting® Poster
- Set of 6 stickers
- Refrigerator Magnet
Language Options
- English
- Norwegian
Training Information
This training covers in depth the Attentive Parenting Program, which is intended to be used as a universal prevention parenting program for all parents. It is designed to promote positive parenting strategies which lead to children’s social and emotional competence. The content of this program includes child-directed play, academic and persistence coaching, emotion coaching, social coaching, emotional regulation training, and problem-solving. This prevention program may be used by professionals (such as therapists and parent educators from psychology, social work, education, nursing, and psychiatry) who are working with families of young children without conduct problems (ages 2-6 years). It may also be used as a follow-up for those who have been through the treatment parenting groups.
School Readiness Program
The School Readiness program is a parenting program designed to promote preschool children’s school readiness. The objectives are to improve children’s school readiness by enhancing their language, reading, and social skills.
Curriculum Materials Included
- DVD Set (2-part set)
- Comprehensive Leader’s Manual
Language Options
- English
School Age Parenting Program (Basic)
The School Age Parenting Program (Basic) strengthens parent-child interactions and attachment, reducing harsh discipline and fostering parents’ ability to promote children’s social, emotional, and academic development.
Parents learn how to:
- Monitor children after school
- Set rules regarding TV, computer, and drug use
- Support children’s homework
- Partner with teachers so that they can promote children’s academic, social, and emotional skills
Curriculum Materials Included
- Video vignettes (USB, or 7-disc DVD, or Online Streaming Subscription)
- Comprehensive leader manual (consisting of over 800 pages of “how to”, including leader questions for discussion, vignette scripts, parent home activities and weekly “refrigerator notes” for parents (reminders for the week)
- Book: The Incredible Years: A Troubleshooting Guide for Parents of Children Aged 3-8 Years (3rd Edition, by Carolyn Webster-Stratton)
- Book: Collaborating with Parents to Reduce Children’s Behavior Problems: A Book for Therapists Using the Incredible Years Programs (by Carolyn Webster-Stratton)
- Piggy Bank Refrigerator Magnet
- Parenting Pyramid® Poster (illustrates how the series first builds a positive foundation of relationship skills before discipline strategies)
Language Options
- English
- Spanish
- Danish
- Finnish (manual is English)
- Norwegian
- Chinese
Training Information
This training will prepare group leaders to lead three different basic parenting programs: (1) Toddler Parenting Program (ages 1-3 years) which is 13 weekly sessions; (2) Preschool Parenting Program (ages 3-6 years) which is 18-20 sessions; and (3) School-Age Parenting Program (ages 6-8 years) which is 16 sessions (four additional sessions for the Supporting your Child’s Education component).
The training teaches the following content: child-directed play, academic, persistence, social and emotional coaching, praise and encouragement, predictable routines, effective limit setting, nonphysical discipline alternatives, teaching children to problem solve, and supporting children’s education. The training will also teach how to use this program as a prevention program in elementary schools and preschools.
This program may be used by professionals (such as therapists and parent educators from psychology, social work, education, nursing, pediatrics, and psychiatry) who are working with families of young children diagnosed with Oppositional Defiant Disorder or ADHD or aggressive behavior problems or anxiety and internalizing problems (ages 3-8 years), or with higher risk socioeconomically disadvantaged families, as well as court-ordered families, foster parents, and teenage parents.
Advanced Parenting Program
*This program is for parents who have already completed one of our basic parenting programs
The Advanced Parenting Program builds on the Preschool and School Age Parenting Programs (Basic) by focusing on parents’ interpersonal issues such as:
- Effective communication and problem solving skills
- Anger and depression management
- Ways to give and get support
- Family meetings
Curriculum Materials Included
- Video vignettes (7-disc DVD)
- Comprehensive leader’s manual, including parent weekly “refrigerator notes” (reminders for the week) and parent take-home assignments for home activities
- Book: The Incredible Years: A Troubleshooting Guide for Parents of Children Aged 3 – 8 Years (3rd Edition)
- Piggy Bank magnet
- Pyramid for Building Relationships poster
Language Options
- English
- Estonian
- Russian
Training Information
This training is designed for experienced group leaders who have already received the Parenting Programs (Basic) training to offer this 8-12 week parenting course as an adjunct to the basic programs, have run at least one full series of the group sessions, and ideally are also certified group leaders. It covers topics such as effective communication skills, anger management, giving and getting support, problem-solving with adults and teachers, and family problem-solving meetings.
*This training is only available for participants who have previously attended a Basic Parent Group Leader Training
For more information about training, click here.
Home Visiting Coach Model
The Incredible Years® offers a Home Visiting Coach protocol for Baby, Toddler, Preschool, and School Age Basic Parent Programs. The Home Visiting Coach model can be used in conjunction with the group-based model, or the entire curriculum can be delivered with individual families entirely in the homes. Our Home Coaching manuals help facilitators tailor the content of the programs for individual delivery in the homes. To implement in the home, facilitators need the full program curriculum kit, plus the supplemental manual for home coaching.
How To Use With Group Programs
- To begin a parent’s learning if there is an extended delay before the next scheduled IY parent group begins.
- To give parents a taste of the program in order to recruit them into the IY parent group.
- To provide make-up sessions for parents who have missed group sessions due to illness or work schedules.
- To enhance the IY parent group learning for high-risk families and/or child welfare referred families, and to provide additional vignettes and practices at home.
- To deliver the entire parenting curriculum in the home.
Language Options
- English
- Norwegian
Training Information
For the Baby, Toddler, Preschool, and School Age Basic Parenting Programs we have developed a home-visitor coaching model. This one-on-one parent-coach model can be used to deliver the entire basic parenting program or as a supplement for parents attending an Incredible Years® group. This home-visitor coaching model is a good option if parents cannot attend a parent group due to schedule conflicts, or if there is an extended delay before the next parent group will be offered. This model may also be used with parents who need some additional coaching at home with their children.
*This training is only available for participants who have previously attended Basic Parenting Program Group Leader Training.
Key Research Outcomes