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A Pilot Study of the Incredible Years BASIC Parenting Programme with Bereaved Families

photoThere is strong evidence for the effectiveness of IY with diverse parenting populations but this is the first known study of the programme with bereaved families. The findings support its use with such families where child behaviour is a concern.

Parents own grief reactions, coupled with the multitude of practical stressors, may impact their ability to provide emotional care and stability for remaining children (Worden, 1996). Pfeffer et al. (2000) stressed that parents can become so overwhelmed and consumed by their own loss that they become less aware of their children?s emotional state. Alternatively, a parent?s own grief may prevent them from being able to cope with their child?s emotional and psychological needs. A parent?s level of physical and emotional exhaustion following the death of a spouse or significant family member may leave them with few internal resources to handle the new challenges of parenting

Read the article (PDF)

Year: 2011
Bibliography: Braiden, Dr. H.J., McDaniel, Dr. B., Duffy, J., and McCann, M. Journal of Childrens Services. 2011. V.6.3. pp. 141-145. DOI 10.1108/17466661111176015.
Authors: Braiden, McDaniel, Duffy, McCann, 

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