Why Collaboration Matters in Evidence-Based Early Intervention

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Lees, D., & Fergusson, D. (2015). A study to assess the acceptability of adding home parent support along with the Incredible Years® Parent Programme. New Zealand Journal of Psychology, 44(1), 40-44.
The Incredible Years® parent management programme (IYP) is an evidence based parenting programme designed to address conduct problems in young children. International research on the efficacy of IYP consistently demonstrates positive outcomes in terms of fewer child externalising behaviours, improvements in parent-child relationships, child problem solving skills, emotional regulation, and parental confidence (Bywater et al., 2011; Kaminski, Valle, Filene, & Boyle, 2008; Webster-Stratton, 2000). The literature also demonstrates the effectiveness of IYP programmes in New Zealand (Berryman, Woller, & Glyn, 2009; Fergusson, Stanley, & Horwood, 2009; Lees & Ronan, 2008; Sturrock et al., 2013; Sturrock, Gray, Fergusson, Horwood, & Smits, 2014).
Having support in the home enables the therapist to personalise the parenting strategies for the particular needs of each family and to implement them effectively. Additionally, the therapist is able to observe participants in their homes and support them to address barriers preventing change such as; substance abuse, poor parental mental health, and domestic violence (Gomby, 2005). It is expected that combining an evidence based parent programme with a home visiting intervention would improve outcomes.