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Mohammad Mahmoud Wahdan, Malakeh Z. Malak, Rasmieh Al-Amer, Ahmad Ayed, Sabrina Russo, & Denise Ziya Berte. (2023). Effect of incredible years autism spectrum and language delays (IY-ASD) program on stress and behavioral management skills among parents of children with autism spectrum disorder in Palestine. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 72, 45-52.
Purpose: This study purposed to evaluate the effect of the Incredible Years Autism Spectrum and Language Delays (IY-ASD) program in reducing parents' stress and improving aggressive and disruptive behaviors in the parents
among parents of children with autism spectrum disorder in Palestine.
Design and methods: A one-group pre-posttest design was used. Thirty-four parents who enrolled in the Palestinian Child Institute in Nablus were recruited.
Results: Findings revealed a significant difference between parents' total stress pre and post-IY-ASD (t = 1.2, p < 0.01 and parents' behavioral management skills toward their children with autism spectrum disorder. The study demonstrated that the IY-ASD program for 16 sessions reduced stress among parents of children with autism spectrum disorder in Palestine and improved aggressive and disruptive behaviors in the parents.
Conclusion: The IY-ASD program can be successfully implemented for parents of this cohort group.
Practice implications: Healthcare providers can adopt such a program for enhancing parenting roles with their children experiencing autism spectrum disorder.