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Lees, D., Frampton, C.M., & Merry, S.N. (2019, January 23). Efficacy of a Home Visiting Enhancement for High-Risk Families Attending Parent Management Programs A Randomized Superiority Clinical Trial. JAMA Psychiatry.
Antisocial behavior and adult criminality often have origins in childhood and are best addressed early in the child’s life using evidence-based parenting programs. However, families with additional risk factors do not always make sufficient changes while attending such programs; these families may benefit from additional support.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficacy of adding a 10-session, structured home parent support (HPS) intervention to enhance outcomes for high-risk families attending the Incredible Years Parent (IYP) program.
The aim of this research was to evaluate the efficacy of adding HPS for high-risk families attending the IYP program. The primary hypothesis was that HPS would improve child behavior scores immediately after treatment comparedwith the IYP program alone. Secondary hypotheses included improved child behavior at the 6-month follow-up, improved attendance at the IYP program, improved retention in the program, and fewer participants with child behavior scores in the clinical range im-mediately after treatment.
In this trial, the IYP plus HPS intervention significantly improved outcomes for the most vulnerable families at 6 months. This study demonstrated that the HPS intervention is an effective addition to the IYP program to improve engagement and implementation of IYP program strategies and enhance child behavior outcomes for the most vulnerable families.