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Evidence-Based Training for Enhancing Psychiatric Nurses' Child Behavior Management Skills

Management of behavior problems in an inpatient child and adolescent psychiatric unit is largely the responsibility of nurses, yet few evidence-based programs exist that prepare nurses for this role. A pilot study examined the effects of a 3-day standardized parent/teacher training program adapted for inpatient child and adolescent psychiatric unit nurses. Findings indicated that the standardized parent/teacher training program resulted in significant increases in self-reported use of child praise/incentives and working with parents, with accompanying desired changes in observed nurse behaviors during nurse-child play sessions. Participants rated the program positively and highlighted gains of greater empathy and fewer judgments of parents. Findings support evidence-based training programs for nursing staff and suggest further research.

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Year: 2008
Bibliography: Tucker, S., PhD, RN, CNS, Derscheid, D., CNS, RN, Odegarden, S., MS, RN, Olson, M., PhD, RN. 2008. Journal for Nurses in Staff Development. Copyright @ 2008 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Authors: Tucker, Derscheid, Odegarden, Olson,

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