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Long-Term Effectiveness Of A Parenting Intervention For Children At Risk Of Developing Conduct Disorder

photo This long-term study has demonstrated the stability of positive intervention outcome for families within this disadvantaged, at-risk, population, using both self-report and objective observational data. The relatively low drop-out rate and high mean attendance reflects the effectiveness of the intervention in engaging typically hard-to-reach-families. Positive effects of the Incredible Years programme are maintained over time for many children and families who are in greatest need. Up to 40% of untreated children diagnosed with conduct disorders develop later problem behaviours including drug misuse, criminal and violent behaviour.

Read the article (PDF)

Year: 2009
Bibliography: Bywater, T., Hutchings, J., Daley, D., Whitaker, C., Tien Yeo, S., Jones, K., et al. 2009. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 195, 318-324.
Authors: Bywater, Hutchings, Daley, Whitaker, Tien Yeo

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