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Multicentre controlled trial of parenting groups for childhood antisocial behaviour in clinical practice

Scott, S., Spender, Q., Doolan, M., Jacobs, Aspland, H. (2001). Multicentre controlled trial of parenting groups for childhood antisocial behavior in clinical practice.  British Medical Journal. Vol. 323. 28 July.

Objective:  To see whether a behaviourally based group parenting programme, delivered in regular clinical practice, is an effective treatment for antisocial behaviour in children.
Design: Controlled trial with permuted block design with allocation by date of referral.
Setting: Four local child and adolescent mental health services.
Participants: 141 children aged 3.8 years referred with antisocial behaviour and allocated to parenting groups (90) or waiting list control (51).
Intervention: Webster-Stratton Basic videotape programme administered to parents of six to eight children over 13.16 weeks. This programme emphasizes engagement with parental emotions, rehearsal of behavioural strategies, and parental understanding of its scientific rationale.
Main outcome measures: Semi-structured parent interview and questionnaires about antisocial behaviour in children administered 5.7 months after entering trial; direct observation of parent-child interaction.
Results: Referred children were highly antisocial (above the 97th centile on interview measure). Children in the intervention group showed a large reduction in antisocial behaviour; those in the waiting list group did not change (effect size between groups 1.06 SD (95% confidence interval 0.71 to 1.41), P < 0.001). Parents in the intervention group increased the proportion of praise to ineffective commands they gave their children threefold, while control parents reduced it by a third (effect size between groups 0.76 (0.16 to 1.36), P = 0.018). If the 31 children lost to follow up were included in an intention to treat analysis the effect size on antisocial behaviour was reduced by 16%. 
Conclusions: Parenting groups effectively reduce serious antisocial behaviour in children in real life conditions. Follow up is needed to see if the children's poor prognosis is improved and criminality prevented. 

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Year: 2001
Bibliography: Scott, S., Spender, Q., Doolan, M., Jacobs, Aspland, H. (2001). British Medical Journal. Vol. 323. 28 July.
Authors: Scott, Spender, Doolan, Jacobs, 

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