Why Collaboration Matters in Evidence-Based Early Intervention

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Year: 2016
Bibliography: Javier, J., Prevention of Behavioral Problems in Filipino Youth with an Evidence-based Parenting Intervention: A Randomized Pilot Study in Churches. Submission to The American Journal of Preventive Medicine.
Author: Javier
Introduction: Filipino youth have significant behavioral health disparities compared to non-Filipino youth. Delivering evidence-based parenting interventions in faith-based settings could be an effective approach to engaging Filipino parents in behavioral health promotion because of their strong affiliation with religious institutions. The purpose of this study was to test an evidence-based parenting program offered in churches and estimate effect size for a fully powered trial.
Study Design: Pilot randomized controlled trial
Setting/Participants: 28 Filipino parents of children ages 6-12 years enrolled in the study in 2011-2012 and data were analyzed in 2012-2013.
Intervention: Parents were randomly assigned to either an intervention or a waiting-list control group. The Incredible Years® Parent Training Program was offered as the intervention.
Main outcome measures: Measures of child behavior, parenting practices, and parenting stress were obtained at baseline. Parents in the experimental group attended a series of 12 weekly 2-hour sessions. A follow up assessment was performed after the intervention and 12 weeks later. The intervention was subsequently repeated with the control group. Satisfaction was assessed with a 40-item measure. ANCOVA was used to compare the intervention group post-intervention versus the control group. Paired t-tests compared mean parenting practices, parenting stress, and child behavior outcomes. Satisfaction was assessed descriptively.
Results: Twenty-two parents (78%) completed all assessments and the intervention. Results showed significant decreases in physical punishment and parenting stress when the experimental group was compared with the control group. Analyses of all participants comparing pre- and post-intervention revealed parents reported improvements in positive verbal discipline and reductions in child externalizing behaviors. Families reported high satisfaction with the content and format of the intervention.
Conclusion: Results support the feasibility of providing an evidence-based parenting program to Filipino parents in churches in order to prevent future behavioral health problems.
Trial Registration: This study is registered at www.isrctn.org (Number ISRCTN22549991).