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Stanley, P. & Stanley, L. (2018). Putting the Prevention of Problems of Living Into Action in New Zealand: The Incredible Years Series of Parent, Teacher, and Child Programmes. Journal of the New Zealand College of Clinical Psychologists 28(2), 9-15.
This submission to the New Zealand Government Inquiry into Mental Health and Addiction describes the relationship between pronounced behaviour problems in childhood and an array of personal adjustment problems in adolescence and adulthood. It is argued that evidence-based parent training interventions are a logical, practical, economical, and proven preventative response to this issue, and that early parent training is also likely to have relevance to new and emerging adjustment problems. The Incredible Years series of parent, teacher, and child programmes, which is presently available in this country, has substantial research verification and its further expansion is recommended. Suggestions are given as to the steps that would be required to increase programme provision.