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Tailoring the Incredible Years Parenting Program According to Children's Developmental Needs and Family Risk Factors (Book Chapter 10)

For example, parents of children who are impulsive, hyperactive, and inattentive learn about temperament and how their children's biological make-up makes it more difficult for their children to listen, follow directions, and play appropriately with other children. They learn the importance of clear limit setting and consistent follow through and ways to help coach their children's academic and social skills during play with other children. On the other hand, adoptive or foster parents are more likely to be focused on helping their children develop trusting relationships with them. This means they will spend more time on child-directed play, emotional coaching and building the relationship or attachment building components of the curriculum.

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Bibliography: Webster-Stratton, C. 2007. Tailoring the Incredible Years Parent Programs according to children's developmental needs and family risk factors. In J.M. Briesmeister & C.E. Schaefer (Eds.), Handbook of Parent Training (3rd ed., pp. 305-344). New Jersey: Wiley & Sons.

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