Incredible Years Blog

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The Incredible Years Parent Training Program: Promoting Resilience Through Evidence-Based Prevention Groups

This article describes an evidence-based preventive group intervention, Incredible Years Parent Training Program (IY). Decades of research have shown that IY strengthens parent and child competencies and in turn reduces child risks for developing conduct problems and other negative life outcomes. The purpose of this article is to examine IY through a resilience lens and highlight how it capitalizes on group process mechanisms to serve as a model preventive group intervention. Future directions and implications for research, practice, and training are discussed.

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Year: 2010
Bibliography: Borden, L., Schultz, T., Herman, K., Brooks, C., 2010. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice, Vol. 14, No. 3, 230-241.
Authors: Borden, Schultz, Herman, Brooks, 

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