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Treating Conduct Problems and Strengthening Social and Emotional Competence in Young Children (Ages 4-8 Years): The Dina Dinosaur Treatment Program

Young preschool and early school-age children with early onset conduct problems are at high risk for developing school drop out, substance abuse, violence and delinquency in later years. Consequently, developing treatment strategies for reducing conduct problems when aggression in its more malleable form prior to age 8, and thus interrupting its progression, is of considerable benefit to families and society. This article describes a treatment program, known as the Dina Dinosaur Social Skills and Problem Solving Child Training Program, specifically designed with developmentally appropriate teaching methods for young children (ages 4 to 8 years) and based on theory related to the types of social, emotional, and cognitive deficits or excesses exhibited by children with conduct problems. The treatment emphasizes training children in skills such as emotional literacy, empathy or perspective taking, friendship and communication skills, anger management, interpersonal problem solving, school rules, and how to be successful at school. Emphasis is placed on ways to promote cross setting generalization of behaviors taught by involving parents and teachers in the treatment. A review of two randomized trials with this treatment approach and long term results are provided. 

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Webster-Stratton, C.,  & Reid, M. J. (2003). Treating Conduct Problems and Strengthening Social and Emotional Competence in Young Children: The Dina Dinosaur Treatment Program. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, Vol 11. No.3 130-143.

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