Enhancing a Classroom Social Competence and Problem-Solving Curriculum by Offering Parent Training to Families of Moderate- to High-Risk Elementary School Children
Implementing Evidence-Based Practices: Six "Drivers" of Success. Part 3 in a Series on Fostering the Adoption of Evidence-Based Practices in Out-Of-School Time Programs
The National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices (NREPP) Intervention Summary: Incredible Years Program
A Pragmatic Randomised Controlled Trial of a Parenting Intervention in Sure Start Services for Pre-School Children at Risk of Developing Conduct Disorder: How and why did it work?
Predictor and moderator effects in the treatment of Oppositional Defiant Disorder in pediatric primary care
Transporting an Evidence-Based Classroom Management Program for Preschoolers With Disruptive Behavior Problems to a School: An Analysis of Implementation, Outcomes, and Contextual Variables
The Applicability of Webster-Stratton Parenting Programmes to Deaf Children with Emotional and Behavioural Problems, and Autism, and Their Families: Annotation and Case Report of a Child with Autistic
Incredible Years and Teachers Training Series: A Head Start partnership to promote social competence and prevent conduct problems
Parenting Programme for Parents of Children at Risk of Developing Conduct Disorder: Cost-Effective Analysis
Evaluation of the Incredible Years Series - An open study of its effects when first introduced in Sweden
She understands the kids who bring their parents to their knees - Early intervention is key in stopping aggressive behavior