All (5)
- abuse
- academic achievement
- academic competence
- academic problems
- activity
- age effects
- Agencies & Admin
- Aggressive Behavior
- All
- Assessment
- Assessment
- At risk
- attachment
- attendance
- Attentive Parenting
- Audience
- Autism
- Baby Program
- Basic Parent Program
- Behavior Management
- behavior problems
- behavior regulation
- behavioral difficulties
- Behavioral Health
- behavioral intervention
- behavioral interventions
- behavioral problems
- Books
- Caregivers
- central nervous system
- Child behavior
- child behavior problems
- child behavior program
- child care
- child development
- child experience
- child maltreatment
- child program
- child protective services
- Child Training
- child training
- child training program
- Child Welfare
- childcare
- childhood
- childhood conduct problems
- Children
- Child–teacher relationship
- Classroom
- classroom conduct
- Classroom Dinosaur
- classroom intervention
- clinically significant improvement
- collaborating
- collaborative
- collaborative processes
- conduct disorder
- conduct problems
- consultation
- content
- Coping
- cost effectiveness
- cost-effective
- costing
- cultural adaptation
- cultural adaptations
- cultural responsiveness
- culturally tailored
- Denmark
- Developmental Disability
- Disruptive behavior
- dissemination
- Early childhood
- early education
- Early Intervention
- economic disadvantage
- economically disadvantaged
- education
- effectiveness
- elementary
- elementary school
- emotion regulation
- emotional development
- emotional difficulties
- emotional health
- emotional problems
- engagement
- evaluation
- evidence-based
- evidence-based parenting group
- Evidence-Based Practices
- externalizing
- externalizing behavior
- Families
- Family
- Feasibility
- Fidelity
- fidélité
- Filipino
- Flying Start
- foster care
- Foucault
- Gipuzkoa
- goals
- group based
- health
- health disparities
- healthy life style
- High-risk
- Hmong
- Home Coaching
- Home learning environment
- home parent support
- home visiting
- home-based
- Hyperactivity
- Implantación
- implantation
- Implementation
- Implementation and Dissemination
- Implementation and Dissemination
- Incredible Years
- Independent Replication
- Independent Replication
- independent research
- independent review
- Infant
- Innovation
- internalizing
- International
- interpersonal competence
- intervention
- Key
- Key
- Kindergarten
- language delays
- language development
- latent transition analysis
- malnutrition
- maltreatment
- maternal depression
- mediation
- Mental Health
- mental health care
- meta-analysis
- methods
- Māori
- neglect
- News
- News
- News
- nutrition
- obesity
- objectives
- oppositional defiant disorder
- Parent Home Coaching
- parent involvement
- parent perception
- parent practices
- Parent stress
- Parent Training
- parent training program
- parent-teacher relations
- Parenting
- Parenting Intervention
- Parenting interventions
- Parenting Program
- Parents
- participation
- peer problems
- pilot
- positive behavior management
- post-colonisation
- post-structuralism
- Preschool Children
- Preschoolers
- Prevention
- Prevention
- primary care
- primary school
- problem solving
- processes
- professional development
- Program
- Program
- program evaluation
- Programas basados en la evidencia
- Programs
- prosocial behavior
- Protección infantil
- Public Health
- qualitative analysis
- randomized control group trial
- Randomized control trial
- rationale
- Research
- Research Library
- residential care
- residential child care
- Review
- review
- review of literature
- Rural schools
- satisfaction
- scaling
- Scaling up
- School
- school aged
- School readiness
- self-efficacy
- Self-regulation
- single parents
- Skill Development
- Small Group Treatment
- social and emotional competence
- social behavior
- social communication
- Social competence
- social development
- Social Emotional Learning
- social problem solving
- Social-emotional well being
- socioemotional and behavioural difficulties
- Spain
- Sure Start
- sustainability
- teacher change
- teacher perception
- Teacher Training
- Teacher Training
- Teachers
- theoretical foundation
- Therapists and Group Leaders
- Therapists and Group Leaders
- Time Out
- Toddler parenting Program
- trauma
- Trauma-informed
- Treatment
- treatment
- Universal
- Wales
A Trial of Parent Training for Mothers Being Released From Incarceration and Their Children

LEAP to Achieve: Learning through Encouragement, Attention, and Praise to Achieve Success

Social Learning Theory Parenting Intervention Promotes Attachment-Based Caregiving in Young Children: Randomized Clinical Trial

Improving Parenting Skills for Families of Young Children in Pediatric Settings: A Randomized Clinical Trial

Sympathetic- and Parasympathetic-linked Cardiac Function and Prediction of Externalizing Behavior, Emotion Regulation, and Prosocial Behavior among Preschoolers Treated for ADHD
Effectiveness of the Incredible Years Parent Training to Modify Disruptive and Prosocial Child Behavior: A Meta-Analytic Review

Latent Profile Analysis of Teacher Perceptions of Parent Contact and Comfort

A Preliminary Evaluation of the Incredible Years Teacher Programme
Illustrating the Multiple Facets and Levels of Fidelity of Implementation to a Teacher Classroom Management Intervention

The Incredible Years Basic Parent Training for Portuguese Preschoolers with AD/HD Behaviors: Does it Make a Difference?
Incredible Years Pilot Study: Evaluation Report