Embedding the Family Check-Up and Evidence-Based Parenting Programmes in Head Start to Increase Parent Engagement and Reduce Conduct Problems in Young Children
The Incredible Years Teacher Training: Using Coaching to Support Generalization to Real World Classroom Settings
Evaluation of The Incredible Years in Sweden: The Transferability of an American Parent-Training Program to Sweden
The Incredible Years Ireland Study, Parents, Teachers and Early Childhood Intervention: Long-term outcomes of the Incredible Years Parent and Teacher Classroom Management training programs (Combined 1
Reducing Child Conduct Problems and Promoting Social Skills in a Middle-Income Country: Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial
Behavioural and Cognitive-Behavioural Group-Based Parenting Programmes for Early-Onset Conduct Problems in Children Aged 3 to 12 Years
The Incredible Years: Evidence-Based Parenting and Child Programs For Families Involved in the Child Welfare System