An Integrated Approach to Prevention and Management of Aggresive behavior Problems in Preschool and Elementary Grade Students - Schools and Parents Collaboration (Book Chapter)
An integrated components preventive intervention for aggressive elementary school children: The early risers program
Multicentre controlled trial of parenting groups for childhood antisocial behaviour in clinical practice
Parenting Practices and Children's Socio-Emotional Development: A Study With Portuguese Community Preschool Age Children
Nipping Early Risk Factors in the Bud: Preventing Substance Abuse, Delinquency, and Violence in Adolescence Through Interventions Targeted at Young Children (0-8 Years)
Parent Training in Head Start: A Comparison of Program Response Among African American, Asian American, Caucasian, and Hispanic Mothers
Preventing Conduct Problems, Promoting Social Competence: A Parent and Teacher Training Partnership in Head Start
The Incredible Years Parent, Teacher, and Child Intervention: Targeting Multiple Areas of Risk for a Young Child With Pervasive Conduct Problems Using a Flexible, Manualized Treatment Program