The Applicability of Webster-Stratton Parenting Programmes to Deaf Children with Emotional and Behavioural Problems, and Autism, and Their Families: Annotation and Case Report of a Child with Autistic
Incredible Years and Teachers Training Series: A Head Start partnership to promote social competence and prevent conduct problems
Evaluation of the Incredible Years Series - An open study of its effects when first introduced in Sweden
Parenting intervention in Sure Start services for children at risk of developing conduct disorder: pragmatic randomised controlled trial
Efficacy of The Incredible Years Basic Parent Training Programme as an early intervention for children with Conduct problems and ADHD
Treatment and Prevention of Conduct Problems: Parent Training Interventions for Young Children (2-7 Years Old) (Book Chapter)
NICE technology appraisal guidance 102Parent-Training/Education Programmes in the Management of Children With Conduct Disorders