The Parent Infant Play Observation code (PIPOc): development and testing of a new positive parenting measure
The Incredible Years Baby and Toddler Parent Programmes: Promoting attachment and infants' brain development
Early Prevention of Antisocial Personality: Long-Term Follow-up of Two Randomized Controlled Trials Comparing Indicated and Selective Approaches
Incredible Years follow-up study: Long-term follow-up of the New Zealand Incredible Years Pilot Study
Parent Training: Equivalent Improvement in Externalizing Behavior for Children With and Without Familial Risk
Assessing the Effectiveness of the Incredible Years Parent Training to Parents of Young Children with ADHD Symptoms - a Preliminary Report
Improving Therapist Fidelity During Implementation of Evidence-based Practices: Incredible Years Program
The Incredible Years Parenting Programme: Efficacy in a sample of Portuguese pre-school age children with AD/HD behaviours