The Incredible Years Teacher Classroom Management Training: The Methods and Principles that Support Fidelity of Training Delivery
Investigating the Effectiveness of the Incredible Years Basic Parenting Programme for Foster Carers in Northern Ireland
Positive classrooms, Positive Children: A Randomized Controlled trial to investigate the effectiveness of the Incredible Years Teacher Classroom Management programme in an Irish context (short-term ou
Randomised Controlled Trial of Parent Groups for Child Antisocial Behaviour Targeting Multiple Risk Factors: The SPOKES Project
Group Parent Training With Immigrant Chinese Families: Enhancing Engagement and Augmenting Skills Training
Casey Family Programs: Evaluation Shows Parent Training Program Holds Promise for a Child Welfare Population
The Incredible Years Parent Training Program: Promoting Resilience Through Evidence-Based Prevention Groups
Incredible Years Parent Training Support for Foster Careers in Wales: A Multi-Centre Feasibility Study