The Webster-Stratton Incredible Years Basic Parenting Programme: Parental Satisfaction in a Community Group of Portuguese Parents
Improving Preschool Classroom Processes: Preliminary findings from a randomized trial implemented in Head Start settings
An Independent Replication of the Incredible Years Classroom Management Teacher Training Program in Head Start
Preventing Conduct Problems and Improving School Readiness: Evaluation of The Incredible Years Teacher and Child Training Programs in High-Risk Schools
Strengthening Social and Emotional competence in Young Children Who Are Socioeconomically Disadvantaged: Preschool and Kindergarten School-Based Curricula
Early results from developing and researching the Webster-Stratton Incredible Years Teacher Classroom Management Training Programme in North West Wales
The Leader Observation Tool: a process skills treatment fidelity measure for the Incredible Years parenting programme Observation Tool (LOT): A process skills treatment fidelity measure for the Incre
Enhancing a Classroom Social Competence and Problem-Solving Curriculum by Offering Parent Training to Families of Moderate- to High-Risk Elementary School Children