Program (14)
- abuse
- academic achievement
- academic competence
- academic problems
- activity
- age effects
- Agencies & Admin
- Aggressive Behavior
- All
- Assessment
- Assessment
- At risk
- attachment
- attendance
- Attentive Parenting
- Audience
- Autism
- Baby Program
- Basic Parent Program
- Behavior Management
- behavior problems
- behavior regulation
- behavioral difficulties
- Behavioral Health
- behavioral intervention
- behavioral interventions
- behavioral problems
- Books
- Caregivers
- central nervous system
- Child behavior
- child behavior problems
- child behavior program
- child care
- child development
- child experience
- child maltreatment
- child program
- child protective services
- Child Training
- child training
- child training program
- Child Welfare
- childcare
- childhood
- childhood conduct problems
- Children
- Child–teacher relationship
- Classroom
- classroom conduct
- Classroom Dinosaur
- classroom intervention
- clinically significant improvement
- collaborating
- collaborative
- collaborative processes
- conduct disorder
- conduct problems
- consultation
- content
- Coping
- cost effectiveness
- cost-effective
- costing
- cultural adaptation
- cultural adaptations
- cultural responsiveness
- culturally tailored
- Denmark
- Developmental Disability
- Disruptive behavior
- dissemination
- Early childhood
- early education
- Early Intervention
- economic disadvantage
- economically disadvantaged
- education
- effectiveness
- elementary
- elementary school
- emotion regulation
- emotional development
- emotional difficulties
- emotional health
- emotional problems
- engagement
- evaluation
- evidence-based
- evidence-based parenting group
- Evidence-Based Practices
- externalizing
- externalizing behavior
- Families
- Family
- Feasibility
- Fidelity
- fidélité
- Filipino
- Flying Start
- foster care
- Foucault
- Gipuzkoa
- goals
- group based
- health
- health disparities
- healthy life style
- High-risk
- Hmong
- Home Coaching
- Home learning environment
- home parent support
- home visiting
- home-based
- Hyperactivity
- Implantación
- implantation
- Implementation
- Implementation and Dissemination
- Implementation and Dissemination
- Incredible Years
- Independent Replication
- Independent Replication
- independent research
- independent review
- Infant
- Innovation
- internalizing
- International
- interpersonal competence
- intervention
- Key
- Key
- Kindergarten
- language delays
- language development
- latent transition analysis
- malnutrition
- maltreatment
- maternal depression
- mediation
- Mental Health
- mental health care
- meta-analysis
- methods
- Māori
- neglect
- News
- News
- News
- nutrition
- obesity
- objectives
- oppositional defiant disorder
- Parent Home Coaching
- parent involvement
- parent perception
- parent practices
- Parent stress
- Parent Training
- parent training program
- parent-teacher relations
- Parenting
- Parenting Intervention
- Parenting interventions
- Parenting Program
- Parents
- participation
- peer problems
- pilot
- positive behavior management
- post-colonisation
- post-structuralism
- Preschool Children
- Preschoolers
- Prevention
- Prevention
- primary care
- primary school
- problem solving
- processes
- professional development
- Program
- Program
- program evaluation
- Programas basados en la evidencia
- Programs
- prosocial behavior
- Protección infantil
- Public Health
- qualitative analysis
- randomized control group trial
- Randomized control trial
- rationale
- Research
- Research Library
- residential care
- residential child care
- Review
- review
- review of literature
- Rural schools
- satisfaction
- scaling
- Scaling up
- School
- school aged
- School readiness
- self-efficacy
- Self-regulation
- single parents
- Skill Development
- Small Group Treatment
- social and emotional competence
- social behavior
- social communication
- Social competence
- social development
- Social Emotional Learning
- social problem solving
- Social-emotional well being
- socioemotional and behavioural difficulties
- Spain
- Sure Start
- sustainability
- teacher change
- teacher perception
- Teacher Training
- Teacher Training
- Teachers
- theoretical foundation
- Therapists and Group Leaders
- Therapists and Group Leaders
- Time Out
- Toddler parenting Program
- trauma
- Trauma-informed
- Treatment
- treatment
- Universal
- Wales
Kindergartners Gladly Accept Puppet's Guidance

Using Mental Health Consultation to Decrease Disruptive Behaviors in Preschoolers: Adapting an Empirically-Supported Intervention
The Incredible Years Parent Training Programme in Tauranga, New Zealand: A research summary
Impact of Therapists' Skill on Effectiveness of Parenting Groups for Child Antisocial Behavior

Strengthening Social and Emotional competence in Young Children Who Are Socioeconomically Disadvantaged: Preschool and Kindergarten School-Based Curricula
Early results from developing and researching the Webster-Stratton Incredible Years Teacher Classroom Management Training Programme in North West Wales
The Leader Observation Tool: a process skills treatment fidelity measure for the Incredible Years parenting programme Observation Tool (LOT): A process skills treatment fidelity measure for the Incre

Treating Oppositional Defiant Disorder in primary care: A comparison of three models
Enhancing a Classroom Social Competence and Problem-Solving Curriculum by Offering Parent Training to Families of Moderate- to High-Risk Elementary School Children

Implementing Evidence-Based Practices: Six "Drivers" of Success. Part 3 in a Series on Fostering the Adoption of Evidence-Based Practices in Out-Of-School Time Programs

The National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices (NREPP) Intervention Summary: Incredible Years Program