The Incredible Years Parent, Teacher, and Child Intervention: Targeting Multiple Areas of Risk for a Young Child With Pervasive Conduct Problems Using a Flexible, Manualized Treatment Program
Treating Conduct Problems and Strengthening Social and Emotional Competence in Young Children (Ages 4-8 Years): The Dina Dinosaur Treatment Program
Social Skills and Problem-solving Training for Children with Early-onset Conduct Problems: Who Benefits?
The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) Bulletin: The Incredible Years Training Series
The Qualitative Interactions of Children With Conduct Problems and Their Peers: Differential Correlates With Self-Report Measures, Home Behavior, and School Behavior Problems
Marital Conflict Management Skills, Parenting Style, and Early-onset Conduct Problems: Processes and Pathways
A Comparison of Eclectic Treatment with Webster-Stratton's Parents and Children Series in a Children's Mental Health Center: A randomized controlled trial
Parent Training with Low-income Families: Promoting parental engagement through a collaborative approach