Parent Training: Equivalent Improvement in Externalizing Behavior for Children With and Without Familial Risk
Assessing the Effectiveness of the Incredible Years Parent Training to Parents of Young Children with ADHD Symptoms - a Preliminary Report
Improving Therapist Fidelity During Implementation of Evidence-based Practices: Incredible Years Program
Use of Coaching and Behavior Support Planning for Students With Disruptive Behavior Within a Universal Classroom Management Program
The Incredible Years Parenting Programme: Efficacy in a sample of Portuguese pre-school age children with AD/HD behaviours
Implementing the Incredible Years Parenting Programme in disadvantaged settings in Ireland: A process evaluation
Classroom-Level Positive Behavior Supports in Schools Implementing SW-PBIS: Identifying Areas for Enhancement
A Parent-Based Intervention Programme Involving Preschoolers With AD/HD Behaviours: Are Children's and Mothers' Effects Sustained Over Time?
A Randomized Controlled Trial of the Impact of a Teacher Classroom Management Program on the Classroom Behavior of Children With and Without Behavior Problems