Assessing the Effectiveness of the Incredible Years Parent Training to Parents of Young Children with ADHD Symptoms - a Preliminary Report
The Incredible Years Parenting Programme: Efficacy in a sample of Portuguese pre-school age children with AD/HD behaviours
Implementing the Incredible Years Parenting Programme in disadvantaged settings in Ireland: A process evaluation
A Parent-Based Intervention Programme Involving Preschoolers With AD/HD Behaviours: Are Children's and Mothers' Effects Sustained Over Time?
A Randomized Controlled Trial of the Impact of a Teacher Classroom Management Program on the Classroom Behavior of Children With and Without Behavior Problems
Social Learning Theory Parenting Intervention Promotes Attachment-Based Caregiving in Young Children: Randomized Clinical Trial
Sympathetic- and Parasympathetic-linked Cardiac Function and Prediction of Externalizing Behavior, Emotion Regulation, and Prosocial Behavior among Preschoolers Treated for ADHD
Effectiveness of the Incredible Years Parent Training to Modify Disruptive and Prosocial Child Behavior: A Meta-Analytic Review
The Incredible Years Basic Parent Training for Portuguese Preschoolers with AD/HD Behaviors: Does it Make a Difference?