Characteristics of Young Children with Persistent Conduct Problems 1 Year after Treatment with the Incredible Years Program
The Incredible Years Parents, Teachers, and Children Training Series: A multifaceted treatment approach for young children with conduct problems
A School-Family Partnership: Addressing Multiple Risk Factors to Improve School Readiness and Prevent Conduct Problems in Young Children
Parents, Teachers, and Therapists Using Child-Directed Play Therapy and Coaching Skills to Promote Children's Social and Emotional Competence and Build Positive Relationships
Initial Evaluation of a Cultural Approach to Implementation of Evidence-basedParenting Interventions in American Indian Communities
The Incredible Years Program for Children from Infancy to Pre-adolescence: Prevention and Treatment of Behavior Problems
Adapting Webster-Stratton's Incredible Years Parent Training for Children with Developmental Delay: findings from a treatment group only study
Adapting the Incredible Years Child Dinosaur Social, Emotional, and Problem-Solving Intervention to Address Co-Morbid Diagnoses