Incredible Years® Training Workshops
To learn how to deliver the Incredible Years® early intervention programs to groups of parents, teachers, or children, organizations should have future group leaders attend a training workshop. The Incredible Years training workshops are highly interactive, dynamic small-group training experiences. You may register for a pre-scheduled online training workshop, or you can host an Incredible Years training workshop exclusively for staff at your site.
Program materials must be purchased separately.
View available training workshops below.
Don't see a training that you need? Fill out the form here.
Parenting Program Training Workshops
Baby Parenting Program
Prepares group leaders to implement our Baby Parenting Program, aimed at equipping parents with nurturing skills and understanding their baby's developmental needs.

Toddler, Preschool, & School-Age Parenting Programs (Basic)
Prepares group leaders to implement our Basic Parenting Programs with parents, promoting positive parenting strategies, and assisting them in managing their children's behavior problems.

School Age Parenting Program (Basic)
Prepares group leaders to implement our School Age Basic Parenting Program with parents to promote their children’s social and emotional competence and academic success.

School Age Supplemental Parenting Program
Prepares group leaders who have previously attended Basic training to learn to implement the School Age Basic Parenting program with parents of children in the 9–12-year-old age range.

Parent Home Visit Coaching Supplemental Training
Prepares facilitators who have previously attended parent group leader training to deliver the Baby or Basic Parenting Programs with parents in an individual, 1-to-1, parent-coach model.

Autism Spectrum & Language Delays Parenting Program
Prepares group leaders to implement the Autism Parenting Program with parents of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, to promote positive relationships and attachment.

Teacher Program Training Workshops
Incredible Beginnings Teacher Program
Prepares group leaders to deliver the Incredible Beginnings program with early years teachers and child care providers to promote positive relationships, language development and emerging social & emotional skills.

Teacher Classroom Management Program
Prepares leaders to deliver the TCM program with teachers of children aged 4-8 years to promote positive classroom management strategies and child pro-social skills, and reduce child behavior problems.

Helping Preschool Children With Autism Program
Prepares group leaders to implement the Helping Preschool Children with Autism program with teachers and parents to promote children’s emotional regulation, positive social interactions, language development, and school readiness.

Child Program Training Workshops
Classroom Dinosaur Child Program (Prevention)
Prepares teachers and other school personnel to implement Dinosaur School Program in classrooms with children aged 3-8 years to promote pro-social skills and emotional literacy.

Small Group Dinosaur Child Program (Treatment)
Prepares clinicians/therapists to implement the Small Group Dinosaur Treatment child program, designed to promote children’s positive social skills, appropriate behaviors, and problem-solving skills.

Adjunct Program Training Workshops
Advanced Parenting Program
Prepares group leaders to work with parents who have previously participated in a Basic parenting program, helping them with communication skills, problem-solving, stress management, and accessing support.

Attentive Parenting Program
Prepares group leaders to implement this “universal” parenting program that may be delivered with parents of children aged 2-6 to promote positive parenting strategies and children’s social and emotional competence.

Consultation and Ongoing Support
Accredited Incredible Years trainers and mentors are available to provide as-needed consultation to administrators, group leaders, and therapists about a variety of Incredible Years topics.
These include:
- Dissemination issues such as recruiting families, obtaining training, choosing the best SEL curriculum for your agency, assuring program fidelity, and assessing program outcomes.
- Clinical issues such as promoting attendance, managing resistant parents or teachers, being culturally responsive, managing disruptive children, setting up practice role plays, tailoring programs for children with developmental issues, and getting accredited or certified in the program.
- Research issues such as program evaluation, consultation regarding research design, assuring program fidelity, and measures to use with IY programs.
- Selecting group leaders/therapists with appropriate educational backgrounds
- Choosing the best programs for the population addressed
- Recruiting program participants
For more consultation information, please contact us.
Incredible Years® program materials (leader manuals/ videos, etc.) for delivering the programs are purchased separately. Contact us for more information.