Incredible Years Blog

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Inspire, Innovate, Impact: IY Aotearoa National Forum


New Zealand Inspires the Road Forward Promoting Children’s
Social, Emotional and Educational Outcomes

Incredible Years (IY) Parent Programs

Since 1997 the Incredible Years Parent Programs have been rolled out by The Werry Centre and other NGO’S in New Zealand. During that time 1,367 group leaders have been trained in the IY Parent Program. Of these, 145 have become accredited as group leaders and supported by parent peer coaches.

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Children present songs to open forum.

Since 2010, the IY Teacher Program has been delivered in New Zealand as part of the Ministry of Education’s wider Positive Behavior for Learning (PB4L). During that time, 581 group leaders were trained in the IY teacher program and 73 in the IY Child Program. Of these, 80 RTLBs and psychologists have become accredited as group leaders. Furthermore, 36 of accredited teacher and parent group leaders have achieved accreditation as peer coaches and 6 as IY mentors (a very extensive and time consuming process!). This phenomenal achievement has occurred because of the collaborative work of the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health and the Werry Centre Parenting Team.

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Werry Center Incredible Years Parenting Team with Carolyn (Center)

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Parent Peer Coaches and Mentors (Not all pictured)

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Teacher Peer Coaches and Mentors

Recently a forum was held in Wellington with over 220 parent and teacher group leaders from New Zealand. Keynote speakers included Dr. Russell Wills, Children’s Commissioner and Professor Carolyn Webster-Stratton. Special topics included a focus on Māori Cultural enhancements and how to adapt the IY program with fidelity to be sensitive to family culture. Parents, teachers and principals who have participated in these IY trainings talked about their experiences. Dina, Molly and Wally also participated in several presentations by IY Accredited Mentors!


New Zealand’s Support Infrastructure includes many key people!

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Group leaders with Carolyn

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Pacific parent group leaders

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Inspiring children