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Protocol of Measures for the Evaluation of the Webster-Stratton Group Parenting Programme with Parents of 'at risk' Pre-school Children in Sure Start Centres Across Wales

The programme is one of Webster-Stratton's Incredible Years (IY) programmes developed and researched for parents, children and teachers. The programme is being offered to parents of pre-school children at risk of developing conduct disorder and who are living in identified Sure Start areas across North Wales. The programme is being delivered by certified group leaders through seven participating Sure Start centres across North Wales.

Read the protocol of measures (PDF)

Related articles:

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Early prevention of Conduct Disorder: How and why did the North West Wales Sure Start study work?

Year: 2004
Bibliography: Hutchings, J., Eade, J., Jones, K., and Bywater, T.J. 2004. Sure Start Parent Support Research Programme, University of Wales Bangor.
Authors: Hutchings, Eade, Jones, Bywater,

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